About the ARL DSRC

Who We Are

The Army Research Laboratory, Department of Defense Supercomputing Resource Center (ARL DSRC) is a computational science facility that supports Department of Defense (DoD) research, development, test, and evaluation for the user communities with high performance computing resources and technology. The ARL DSRC has maintained and upgraded new computational facilities continuously over many years. With these new resources, the quality of modeling and simulations will increase to provide support to various complex computational science and engineering applications. Thus, DoD researchers and scientists will be able to use the different aspects of these applications to design and develop better weapons systems at a faster pace to increase the nation's security.

What We Do

The ARL DSRC provides cutting edge computational solutions for the DoD research, development, test, and evaluation community. This is accomplished by partnering with the High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) to make available the most powerful HPC systems, provide advanced software packages, allow access through high speed secure networks, provide accessible mass storage for data, and expert staff to assist users with the complexities of these systems. All at no cost to the user or their programs.